What is DataBankasi Ransomware

DataBankasi is the name of a ransomware program designed to extort money from victims off of data encryption. After the encryption occurs, all affected files get changed with the .databankasi extension becoming no longer accessible. To illustrate it with an example – a file previously named 1.pdf will change to 1.pdf.databankasi and lose its original icon as well. Following successful blockage of data, the virus creates a text file containing decryption guidelines (—BILGILENDIRME—-NOTU—.txt). The text of decryption instructions is presented in the Turkish language.

---BILGILENDIRME----NOTU---.txt---BILGILENDIRME----NOTU---.txt (English Translation)
######################## Genel Olarak ########################
Sisteminizde ki Verileriniz tarafımızca şifrelenmiştir....
Bilindik Veri Kurtarma Yöntemleri ile Verilerinizi Geri Getiremeyeceğinizi Bilmenizi İsteriz...
Kurtarmaya yönelik yaptığınız çalışmalar hakkınız ancak...
Geç dönüş yapılması halinde ve kurtarmaya ayırdığınız zaman sizin aleyhinize işleyecek olup geç dönüşlerde her zaman size artı fiyat olarak döneceği hususunuda dikkate alınız.
Veri kurtarma firmaları veya benzer yollar ile verileri geri getirmeye – kurtarmaya çalışmanız Sadece Sizin için Vakit ve Nakit Kaybı olacağı kesin olmak ile birlikte tercih sizindir.
1-) Son Zamanlarda Piyasada Çok Fazla Ödeme Yapılıp Dataların Açılmaması Durumu Var Özellikle Bu Tip Olayları Yaşayan İnsanlar Daha Az Ücret Ödemek için Hile Hurdaya Başvuran insanlar...
(Biz işimizi profesyonel olarak yapmaktayız ödemeyi alır verileri teslim ederiz.Hiç Bir Zaman ödemesi alınmış bir veriyi açmamazlık yapmayız....)
bu açıklamayı mail ile dönüş yaparken net ve dürüst olmanızı beklediğimi iletmiş için yazdım. Unutmayın net ve dürüst yaklaşımlar işinizi kolaylaştırcaktır
Güven Konusunda ise, Daha Önce Şifrelediğim ve Verilerini Açtığım Bir Firmayı Referans Gösterebilirim Yada dilerseniz Örnek Dosya Çözümü Yapabiliriz....
2 -) Yine istediğiniz Data Kurtarma Firmasına Gitmekte Özgürsünüz Bir Çoğu Hackerlarla Çalışyor.
Ama Ben Çalışmıyorum Data Kurtarma Firmalarına Giden Müşterilerin Verileri için Ekstra Ücret talep ettiğimi de bilmenizi isterim....
3-) Yukarıda Bahsettiğim Sorunları Yaşamamak Adına Fake Mailler Açarak Bize Mail Atmayınız Cevap Vermiyoruz Firma Mailleri Dışından Gelen Hiç bir Mail Cevaplanmamaktadır.
4- ) Sizi Tanımıyorum, Dolayısıyla Size Karşı Kötü Duygular Beslememin Size Kötülük Yapmamın peşinde değiliz
işimiz ticaret olarak görüyoruz paramızı alırız verileri teslim ederiz tamamen profesyonel olarak Bu İşten Bir Gelir Elde Etmekteyiz.
Yaptığınız Ödeme Sonrasında En Kısa Zamanda Verilerinizi Eski Haline Getirmek İçin Decrypter ( Şifreli Dosyaları Çözme ) Programını Gönderiyorum...
Aşağıdaki Referans Kodunuzla Birlikte Verilerinizi Almak isterseniz Lütfen SAAT 11:00 a Kadar Mail Atınız
Yinede Veri Kurtarma Firmaları, data kurtarma girişimleriniz veya Programları Denemek isterseniz Lütfen Dosyaların Aslı üzerinde Değil Bir Yere Kopyalayıp Onlar Üzerinde Deneme Yapınız.
Aksi halde bozulan dosyalardan siz sorumlu olursunuz.
######################## Benimle iletişime Geçtiğinizde Dikkat Etmeniz Gerekenler ########################
1-) Size teklif ettiğimiz tutarın Üzerine Pazarlık Yapmayınız dikkate almadığınız gibi ısrarcı olunması halinde ekstra ekleme yapmaktayız.
Özetle bir siz değilsiniz Her Gün Onlarca iş yapmaktayız ve pazarlık için ayıracak vaktimiz de yoktur.
2-) Yine bir Saat Öncesinin Yedeği Var bir Hafta Öncesinin Yedeği Var Gibi söylemler ile indirim vs talep etmeyiniz varsa böyle bir durum yedeğinizi kurun ve devam edin
bu gibi durumlara fiyat konusunda indirime konu olmamakla birlikte katiyen pazarlığa konu edilemez.
3-) Çokça karşılaştığımız bizimle iletişime geçmek yerine Sağa Sola datanızı Kurtarırım Diyenler ile iletişim kurup üç beş gün sonra çözüm bulamadan en son bize gelmeniz sizin aleyhinize olacaktır,
gecikmeler size artı maliyet olarak yansıyacağı hususunu da dikkate alınız. Sıklıkla karşılaştığımız bir konuda,
Bir çok data kurtarmacı sizden aldığı bilgiler ile bize ulaşmaktadır ve size Vereceğimiz ücrete onlara veriyoruz onlarda üzerine koyup tekrar size veriyor :)
Biz kesinlikle firma veya kurum yetkili dışında kimseyle pazarlık yapmıyoruz ve veri teslimi yada veri açma yapmıyoruz..
Yine bu gibi girişimleriniz sonunda gelirseniz Ücretiniz talep ettiğim tutarın üstünde olacağını bilmenizi isteriz.
4-) Zamanında net ve dürüst bir şekilde Gelip duygu sömürüsü gibi boş talepler ile değil de tam bir profesyonel gibi gelirseniz bizde size karşı gerekli hassasiyeti ve
profesyonelce ticaretimizi biri birimizi üzmeden tamamlarız. Bunu dışında mazeret mali gerekçe vb istekler ile indirim talebinde bulunmayınız,
bu gibi gerekçeleri kesinlikle dikkate almıyoruz işimizi duygularımızla yürütmüyoruz 10 yıllık tecrübemiz ile artık bu gibi durumlara pirim vermemekteyiz...
5-) Bize ulaşırken Şirket Maili Dışında Mail göndermeyiniz dikkate almamaktayız. Nedeni ise Bir Çok Data Kurtarma Firması ve Verilerini Çözdüğünü iddia Eden Dolandırıcılar sizden aldıkları bilgiler ile
(Özellikle Youtube Üzerinden) Fake Mailler Açıp bize ulaşıyorlar ve sizden para alarak ortadan kaybolmaktadırlar.
Bu yüzden sadece şirket maillerinden gelen yada sizin olduğunuza emin olduğumuz mail adreslerinden gelen iletilere cevap vermekteyiz.
Son olarak data kurtarmacılara ulaşsanız dahi onlar da verileri bizden talep etmektedirler bir nevi aracılıktan öte bir misyonları olmadığı gibi
son zamanlarda dolandırıcılık aracı olmuştur. Bizimle direk iletişime geçmeniz net ve profesyonelce yaklaşımınız işleminizin çok hızlı bir şekilde hatta gün içinde çözülmesini mümkün kılar.
Yedek Email Adresimiz (Yukardakinden Cevap Alamadığınız Durumlarda)
######################## Bu Kısım Data Kurtarma Firmalarına Özel Nottur ########################
Yıllarca Sırtımızdan Para Kazandınız Kurtarmadığınız Verileri Kurtarıyormuş Gibi Lanse Ettiniz Bu Saatten Sonra Hiçbirinizle Çalışmıyorum...
Fake Mailler Açıp iletişime Geçemeyin Yakalarsam Anlarsam Firmalara İfşa Ederim
######################## In General ########################
Your data on your system is encrypted by us....
We would like you to know that you cannot recover your data with known data recovery methods ...
Your work towards recovery is your right, but ...
In case of late return and the time you allocate for recovery will work against you, and please note that late returns will always return to you as a plus price.
Data recovery companies or similar ways to bring back the data - to try to recover the data with the data recovery companies or similar ways, but it is your choice, although it is certain that it will only be a Loss of Time and Cash Loss for You.
1-) In recent times, there is a situation where too much payment is made in the market and the data is not opened, especially people who are experiencing this type of events, people who apply for scrap to pay less money ...
(We do our job professionally, we take the payment and deliver the data. We never open a paid data....)
I wrote this explanation to convey that I expect you to be clear and honest when returning by mail. Remember, clear and honest approaches will make your job easier
As for trust, I can refer to a company that I have previously encrypted and opened their data, or if you wish, we can make a sample file solution....
2 -) Again, you are free to go to the Data Recovery Company you want, most of them work with hackers.
But I don't work I want you to know that I charge extra for the data of customers who go to Data Recovery Companies....
3-) In order not to experience the problems I mentioned above, we do not respond to us by opening fake mails, we do not answer any mail from outside the company mail is not answered.
4- ) I do not know you, so we are not pursuing that I have bad feelings towards you and do you evil.
We see our business as trade, we get our money, we deliver the data, we earn an income from this business as a completely professional.
After your payment, I am sending the Decrypter (Decrypting Encrypted Files) Programme to restore your data as soon as possible ...
If you want to get your data with your Reference Code below, please send an e-mail until 11:00
Nevertheless, if you want to try Data Recovery Firms, data recovery attempts or Programmes, please copy the files to a place and try them on them, not on the original files.
Otherwise, you will be responsible for the corrupted files.
######################## Things to Consider When You Contact Me ########################
1-) Do not bargain over the amount we offer you, as you do not take into account, we make extra additions if you insist.
In summary, you are not a you, we do dozens of jobs every day and we do not have time to spare for bargaining.
2-) Again, there is a backup of an hour ago, there is a backup of a week ago, etc. Do not request a discount etc., if there is such a situation, install your backup and continue
Although such situations are not subject to price reduction, they are strictly non-negotiable.
3-) Instead of contacting us, which we encounter a lot, it will be to your detriment that you communicate with those who say "I will save your datanızı" and come to us last after three to five days without finding a solution,
Please also take into account that delays will cost you extra. It is a subject we often encounter,
Many data recoverers reach us with the information they receive from you and we give them the fee we will give you and they put it on them and give it to you again :)
We definitely do not negotiate with anyone other than the company or institution authorised and we do not make data delivery or data opening.
Again, if you come at the end of such attempts, we want you to know that your fee will be above the amount I demand.
4-) If you come in a clear and honest way on time and come like a professional, not with empty demands such as emotional exploitation, we will give you the necessary sensitivity and
We complete our trade professionally without upsetting each other. Apart from this, do not request a discount with excuse financial justification etc. requests,
We do not take into account such justifications, we do not carry out our business with our emotions, with our 10 years of experience, we no longer pay attention to such situations ...
5-) When contacting us, do not send mail other than Company Mail, we do not take into account. The reason is that many Data Recovery Companies and Scammers who claim to have solved their data with the information they receive from you
(Especially on Youtube) They open fake mails and reach us and disappear by taking money from you.
For this reason, we only respond to messages from company e-mails or e-mail addresses that we are sure you are.
Finally, even if you reach the data recoverers, they also request the data from us, as they do not have a mission beyond a kind of mediation.
has recently been a tool of fraud. Contacting us directly, your clear and professional approach makes it possible to resolve your transaction very quickly, even within the day.
Our Backup Email Address (In case you cannot get a reply from the above)
######################## This Section is a Special Note to Data Recovery Companies ########################
For years, you have made money from our backs, you have touted the data you have not recovered as if you are recovering, I do not work with any of you after this hour...
Do not open fake mails and do not contact me, if I catch it, if I understand, I will disclose it to companies.

When translated, it became clear that the cybercriminals behind this ransomware infection want their victims to pay a ransom for file recovery. Threat actors also warn victims against referring to third-party means of decryption explaining that extortionists are the only figures able to decrypt the restricted data. It is also encouraged to start the negotiation process sooner unless victims want the required ransom to increase in price. As a rule, it is unfortunately true that decryption without the help of cybercriminals is impossible. Contemporary ransomware infections use strong encryption algorithms to write secure ciphers over the data. Even so, many ransomware advisors recommend against paying the ransom. This is because many cybercriminals end up scammers themselves and do not send any promised decryption instruments or keys after receiving the payment. It is possible to recover full access to data with the help of backup copies. If such is available on external storage (e.g., USB flash drive), you can easily use them for data recovery. Otherwise, you can also try using some recovery/decryption tools we attached to our article below, however, their capabilities may not be enough to deal with .databankasi files specifically due to the already-mentioned complexity of flawless ransomware infections. Before attempting to recover or decrypt your data without the help of extortionists, it is important to get rid of the virus first, so that it does not cause any more acts of decryption.

databankasi ransomware

How DataBankasi Ransomware infected your computer

Many ransomware developers use a number of channels like trojans, deceptive third-party downloads, fake software updates/installers, backdoors, keyloggers, botnets, system exploits, e-mail spam, and more to distribute their malware. Statistics shows that the biggest number of successful infiltrations occur through malicious attachments or links that can be bundled within e-mail spam letters. Cybercriminals tend to cover such letters under the names of legitimate companies or other entities to bait users into opening content attached to them. Following such demands is dangerous and may lead to irreversible malware infections, such as DataBankasi Ransomware. Files with .DOCX, .XLSX, .PDF, .EXE, .RAR, .ZIP, .JS, and other extension are often the formats used to deliver infection in such types of messages. On the initial basis, these files have nothing to do with malicious content, however, cybercriminals intentionally modify their configuration to set up the installation of malware – usually, with few clicks required from users. We strongly advise you against opening such attachments from messages that seem suspicious. In addition, it you should also minimize downloads/browsing of content on unofficial or dubious pages. Read our guide below to learn how one can protect his system against ransomware and other threats in the future.

  1. Download DataBankasi Ransomware Removal Tool
  2. Get decryption tool for .databankasi files
  3. Recover encrypted files with Stellar Data Recovery Professional
  4. Restore encrypted files with Windows Previous Versions
  5. Restore files with Shadow Explorer
  6. How to protect from threats like DataBankasi Ransomware

Download Removal Tool

Download Removal Tool

To remove DataBankasi Ransomware completely, we recommend you to use WiperSoft Antispyware. It detects and removes all files, folders, and registry keys of DataBankasi Ransomware. WiperSoft Antispyware offers free scan and 7-days limited trial.

Alternative Removal Tool

Download Norton Antivirus

To remove DataBankasi Ransomware completely, we recommend you to use Norton Antivirus from Symantec. It detects and removes all files, folders, and registry keys of DataBankasi Ransomware and prevents future infections by similar viruses.

DataBankasi Ransomware files:


DataBankasi Ransomware registry keys:

no information

How to decrypt and restore .databankasi files

Use automated decryptors

Download Kaspersky RakhniDecryptor

kaspersky dharma ransomware decryptor

Use following tool from Kaspersky called Rakhni Decryptor, that can decrypt .databankasi files. Download it here:

Download RakhniDecryptor

There is no purpose to pay the ransom because there is no guarantee you will receive the key, but you will put your bank credentials at risk.

Dr.Web Rescue Pack

Famous antivirus vendor Dr. Web provides free decryption service for the owners of its products: Dr.Web Security Space or Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite. Other users can ask for help in the decryption of .databankasi files by uploading samples to Dr. Web Ransomware Decryption Service. Analyzing files will be performed free of charge and if files are decryptable, all you need to do is purchase a 2-year license of Dr.Web Security Space worth $120 or less. Otherwise, you don’t have to pay.

If you are infected with DataBankasi Ransomware and removed from your computer you can try to decrypt your files. Antivirus vendors and individuals create free decryptors for some crypto-lockers. To attempt to decrypt them manually you can do the following:

Use Stellar Data Recovery Professional to restore .databankasi files

stellar data recovery professional

  1. Download Stellar Data Recovery Professional.
  2. Click Recover Data button.
  3. Select type of files you want to restore and click Next button.
  4. Choose location where you would like to restore files from and click Scan button.
  5. Preview found files, choose ones you will restore and click Recover.
Download Stellar Data Recovery Professional

Using Windows Previous Versions option:

  1. Right-click on infected file and choose Properties.
  2. Select Previous Versions tab.
  3. Choose particular version of the file and click Copy.
  4. To restore the selected file and replace the existing one, click on the Restore button.
  5. In case there is no items in the list choose alternative method.

Using Shadow Explorer:

  1. Download Shadow Explorer program.
  2. Run it and you will see screen listing of all the drives and the dates that shadow copy was created.
  3. Select the drive and date that you want to restore from.
  4. Right-click on a folder name and select Export.
  5. In case there are no other dates in the list, choose alternative method.

If you are using Dropbox:

  1. Login to the DropBox website and go to the folder that contains encrypted files.
  2. Right-click on the encrypted file and select Previous Versions.
  3. Select the version of the file you wish to restore and click on the Restore button.

How to protect computer from viruses, like DataBankasi Ransomware , in future

1. Get special anti-ransomware software

Use ZoneAlarm Anti-Ransomware

Famous antivirus brand ZoneAlarm by Check Point released a comprehensive tool, that will help you with active anti-ransomware protection, as an additional shield to your current protection. The tool provides Zero-Day protection against ransomware and allows you to recover files. ZoneAlarm Anti-Ransomware is compatible with all other antiviruses, firewalls, and security software except ZoneAlarm Extreme (already shipped with ZoneAlarm Anti-Ransomware) or Check Point Endpoint products. The killer features of this application are: automatic file recovery, overwrite protection that instantly and automatically recovers any encrypted files, file protection that detects and blocks even unknown encryptors.

Download ZoneAlarm Anti-Ransomware

2. Back up your files

idrive backup

As an additional way to save your files, we recommend online backup. Local storage, such as hard drives, SSDs, flash drives, or remote network storage can be instantly infected by the virus once plugged in or connected to. DataBankasi Ransomware uses some techniques to exploit this. One of the best services and programs for easy automatic online backup is iDrive. It has the most profitable terms and a simple interface. You can read more about iDrive cloud backup and storage here.

3. Do not open spam e-mails and protect your mailbox

mailwasher pro

Malicious attachments to spam or phishing e-mails are the most popular method of ransomware distribution. Using spam filters and creating anti-spam rules is good practice. One of the world leaders in anti-spam protection is MailWasher Pro. It works with various desktop applications and provides a very high level of anti-spam protection.

Download MailWasher Pro
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