What is Event ID 10010 error

Event ID 10010 is an error that occurs when the server fails to connect with the Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) within the required timeout period. DCOM is a crucial part of Windows that allows software components to communicate with each other. This error is present in every computer and can occur in both Windows 10 and 11 PCs.

event id 10010 error

Why Does Event ID 10010 Error Appear?

The Event ID 10010 error can appear due to several reasons. One of the main causes is when certain components on Windows require registering themselves with DCOM, and if they fail to do so, this error message is generated. It can also occur if the server tries to sync to a device that is no longer present or was just never there. Another reason could be due to outdated Windows or app versions, which can cause permission errors and trouble communicating with apps. Additionally, if proper permission is not allowed in the Component services, you can get an Event ID 10010 error.

Download Windows Repair Tool

Download Windows Repair Tool

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There are special repair utilities for Windows, that can solve problems related to registry corruption, file system malfunction, Windows drivers instability. We recommend you to use Advanced System Repair Pro to fix the “Event ID 10010” error in Windows 11 or Windows 10.

Other possible solutions to Fix Event ID 10010 error

There are several methods to fix the Event ID 10010 error:

Edit Component Services

  1. Press the Win + R keys to open the Run dialogue.
  2. Type dcomcnfg and press Enter.
  3. In the Component Services window, double-click on Computers and then right-click on My Computer and select Properties.
  4. Navigate to the COM Security tab.
  5. Under the Access Permissions section, click on Edit Default.
  6. Modify the access permissions as needed, ensuring that the appropriate users or groups have the necessary permissions.
  7. Click OK to save the changes and close the window.

Enable Function Discovery Resource Publication Service

  1. Press the Win + R keys to open the Run dialogue.
  2. Type services.msc and press Enter.
  3. In the Services window, scroll and locate the Function Discovery Resource Publication service.
  4. Double-click on the entry to edit its properties.
  5. In the properties window, click the drop-down on the Startup type and select Automatic (Delayed).
  6. Click Apply > OK to save changes.
  7. Restart your PC to apply the changes.

Change Default Authentication Level and Default Impersonation Level in DCOM Properties

  1. Press the Win + R keys to open the Run dialogue.
  2. Type dcomcnfg and press Enter to open the Component Services window.
  3. Navigate to Component Services > Computers > My Computer.
  4. Right-click on My Computer and select Properties.
  5. Navigate to the Default Properties tab.
  6. In the Default Authentication Level dropdown, select the desired level. The levels are as follows, ordered from lowest to highest security:
  7. None: No authentication occurs.
    Connect: Authenticates credentials only when the connection is made.
    Call: Authenticates credentials at the beginning of every call.
    Packet: Authenticates credentials and verifies that all call data is received. This is the default setting for COM+ server applications.

  8. Choose Connect and click OK to save the changes and close the window.
  9. In the Default Impersonation Level dropdown, select the desired level. The levels are as follows, ordered from granting least to greatest authority:
  10. Anonymous: The client is anonymous to the server. The server can impersonate the client, but the impersonation token does not contain any information about the client.
    Identify: The server can obtain the client’s identity and can impersonate the client to do ACL checks.
    Impersonate: The server can impersonate the client while acting on its behalf, although with restrictions. The server can access resources on the same computer as the client. If the server is on the same computer as the client, it can access network resources as the client. If the server is on a different computer from the client, it can access only resources that are on the same computer as the server. This is the default setting.

  11. Choose Identify and click OK to save the changes and close the window.

Please note that changing these settings can affect the security and functionality of your system. Always ensure you understand the implications of these changes before proceeding.

Check integrity of the system files

Corruptions within the Windows file system is one of the possible causes of errors like Event ID 10010. Therefore, we advise you to check and restore missing or damaged components using SFC (System File Checker) and DISM (Deployment Image Servicing and Management) scanning utilities. Make sure to use both utilities as they may have a different impact on solving the problem. Here are the steps to take:

Using SFC

  1. Open Command Prompt by typing cmd into the searching loop next to the Start Menu button.
  2. Right-click on Command Prompt and choose Run as administrator.
  3. Once the console is opened, type the sfc /scannow command and click Enter.
  4. When the fixing process is done, restart your computer.

Using DISM

  1. Open Command Prompt as we did in the previous step.
  2. Copy and paste this command DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth.
  3. Click Enter and wait until Windows ends the scanning and fixing.
  4. Once done, restart your PC.

Install the Latest Windows Update

Windows updates often bring essential features and bug fixes for issues that could be causing the Event ID 10010 error. To update your Windows, follow these steps:

  1. Press the Win + I keys to open the Settings menu.
  2. Click on Windows Update on the left pane.
  3. Hit the Check for updates button.
  4. If there is a new update available, hit the Download & Install button.
  5. Once the installation is complete, restart your PC and check whether this resolves the Event ID 10010 error.


The Event ID 10010 error is a common issue that can occur on any Windows PC. However, it can be resolved by following the methods mentioned above. Always remember to back up your data before making any significant changes to your system, especially when editing the registry. If the error persists after trying these solutions, it may be best to seek professional help.

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James Kramer
Hello, I'm James. My website Bugsfighter.com, a culmination of a decade's journey in the realms of computer troubleshooting, software testing, and development. My mission here is to offer you comprehensive, yet user-friendly guides across a spectrum of topics in this niche. Should you encounter any challenges with the software or the methodologies I endorse, please know that I am readily accessible for assistance. For any inquiries or further communication, feel free to reach out through the 'Contacts' page. Your journey towards seamless computing starts here