What is GeForce Now error code 0x800b1004

GeForce Now is a cloud gaming service that allows users to play games on their devices without the need for high-end hardware. However, some users have reported encountering the error code 0x800b1004 while using GeForce Now on Windows 11. In this article, we will discuss the causes of this error and provide solutions to fix it. The error code 0x800b1004 in GeForce Now signifies that your device is unable to establish a connection with the streaming service. This error can occur due to various reasons, including connectivity issues, server issues, problems with the GeForce Now software or app installed on your device, or conflicts with other software on your system.

GeForce Now error code 0x800b1004

Download Windows Repair Tool

Download Windows Repair Tool

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There are special repair utilities for Windows, that can solve problems related to registry corruption, file system malfunction, Windows drivers instability. We recommend you to use Advanced System Repair Pro to fix “GeForce Now error code 0x800b1004” in Windows 11 or Windows 10.

Before performing instructions below try these simple solutions to check for trivial issues:

  • Restart GeForce Now app: Sometimes, simply restarting the GeForce Now app can fix the error. Close the app and relaunch it to see if the error persists.
  • Check internet connection: Ensure that your device is connected to a stable and strong internet connection. If your internet connection is weak or unstable, it can lead to the error code 0x800b1004.
  • End task for NVIDIA Container: Open the Task Manager and end the task for NVIDIA Container. Then, relaunch the GeForce Now app to see if the error is resolved.
  • Disable VPN: If you are using a VPN, try disabling it and then launch the GeForce Now app. Sometimes, VPNs can interfere with the connection to the streaming service.
  • Check for server issues: Before trying any of the above solutions, check if there are any server issues with GeForce Now. You can check the status of the servers on the GeForce Now website or contact customer support for assistance.

Solutions to fix GeForce Now error code 0x800b1004

Here are some solutions that you can try to fix the GeForce Now error code 0x800b1004:

Flush DNS

Flushing DNS can help fix the GeForce Now error code 0x800b1004. Here are the steps to flush DNS cache on Windows 11:

  1. Click the Start button.
  2. Click All Programs > Accessories.
  3. Select Command Prompt.
  4. In the command prompt window, type ipconfig /flushdns and press Enter.
  5. You should receive a confirmation message once the DNS cache is flushed.

Change Server Location

Changing the server location can also help fix the error code 0x800b1004. Here are the steps to change the server location in GeForce Now:

  1. Open the GeForce NOW app.
  2. Click the menu in the top left corner.
  3. Select Settings.
  4. Click on Server Location.
  5. Select a specific server location in the drop-down box.

Update Graphics Driver

Updating the graphics driver can also help fix the error code 0x800b1004. Here are the steps to update graphics driver on Windows 11:

  1. Open the Start menu and click Settings.
  2. Click on Windows Update.
  3. Click Check for updates.
  4. If there is an update available for your graphics driver, click Download and install.
  5. Alternatively, you can update your graphics driver manually by following these steps:

  6. Open the Device Manager by typing “device manager” in the search box on the taskbar and selecting it.
  7. Expand the Display adapters section.
  8. Right-click on the graphics device you want to update and select Update driver.
  9. Follow the on-screen instructions to update the driver.

Download IObit Driver Booster

Updating drivers manually can be time- and energy-consuming. If you want to update drivers faster, not only for printers, we recommend using a special utility called Driver Booster from IObit. It has broad databases of drivers for all the devices to maintain your PC. You can download it using the button below.

Download Driver Booster

Disable Firewall

Disabling the firewall can also help fix the error code 0x800b1004. Here are the steps to disable the Microsoft Defender Firewall on Windows 11:

  1. Select Start, then open Settings.
  2. Under Privacy & security, select Windows Security > Firewall & network protection.
  3. Select a network profile: Domain network, Private network, or Public network.
  4. To turn it off, switch the setting to Off.

Note: Turning off the firewall could make your device more vulnerable to unauthorized access. If there’s an app you need to use that’s being blocked, you can allow it through the firewall instead of turning the firewall off.

By following these instructions, you can troubleshoot and fix the GeForce Now error code 0x800b1004. If none of the above solutions work, don’t hesitate to reach out to GeForce Now support for further assistance.


The error code 0x800b1004 in GeForce Now can be frustrating, but by following the above solutions, you can troubleshoot and fix the issue. If none of the above solutions work, don’t hesitate to reach out to GeForce Now support for further assistance. They have specialized knowledge and tools to help diagnose and troubleshoot the specific issue you’re facing. By following these elaborated fixes, you can address the GeForce Now Error Code 0x800b1004 and improve your gaming experience on the platform.

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James Kramer
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