What is Error 1671

Error 1671 is a common issue that occurs when iTunes is unable to connect to Apple servers to download necessary files for updating or restoring an iOS device. This error can be caused by various factors, such as outdated iTunes software, network problems, or interference from third-party programs. In this article, we will discuss the possible causes of error 1671 and provide methods to fix it. Error 1671 occurs when you attempt to update or restore your iPhone, iPad, or iPod using iTunes, and the connection between your device and Apple servers is interrupted. This error can result in a message stating, There was a problem downloading the software for the iPhone. An unknown error occurred (1671) or The iPad software update server could not be contacted. An unknown error occurred (1671).

Download repair tool

Sometimes resolving the errors is out of our control and possibilities. This is where third-party tools are more than welcome to contribute and carry all the difficulties away. If you are facing error 1671 or similar issues, but fail to benefit from any of the manual steps below, try using Tenorshare ReiBoot — a great recovery tool designed for resolving errors like that. Get to know how one can use it to address the errors and restore or update an iOS device successfully on their website.

Download iOS Repair Tool
  1. Download and install ReiBoot for either Mac or Windows.
  2. Once done, open the app and plug your device into the computer.
  3. The program should recognize your device and offer a couple of options.
  4. Choose Standard if you simply want to update your device, or Deep repair if you want to fully restore it.
  5. Then, download the firmware found by the app for your smartphone by clicking Download.
  6. Once the process is finished, click Repair now to start resolving the problems.
  7. Standard is meant to search for basic issues and bugs to address them without wiping out your data.

    Deep repair will reset your device to factory settings and delete the entire data stored on it.

  8. Wait until the app finishes its repair and restores your device. It will take about 15 minutes to end.

Fix iOS Software Update error 1671 manually

Here are detailed instructions for each method to fix iOS software update error 1671:

Wait for the download to finish and try again

If you see error 1671, it means your computer is downloading necessary software for the update or restore process. Wait for the download to complete before attempting the update or restore again. You can check the download progress in iTunes by clicking the down arrow in the upper-right corner of the window.

Update iTunes to the latest version

To update iTunes, follow these steps:

  1. Open the iTunes app.
  2. Click on Help and select Check for Updates.
  3. If an update is available, follow the on-screen instructions to install the latest version.

Restart your computer and iPhone

To restart your computer and iPhone, follow these steps:

  1. Turn off your computer and iPhone.
  2. Wait for a few seconds.
  3. Turn on your computer and iPhone.
  4. Once both devices are back on, try the update or restore process again.

Deactivate the antimalware program on your Mac

Some third-party programs, such as antivirus or antimalware software, may interfere with the connection between iTunes and the iOS device server. To temporarily disable any antivirus or antimalware software on your computer, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the antivirus or antimalware software icon in the menu bar or system tray.
  2. Right-click or control-click the icon and select the option to disable or quit the software.
  3. Try the update or restore process again in iTunes.

Restore from iCloud or iTunes backup

If the error persists, you can try restoring your device from an iCloud or iTunes backup. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Connect your iPhone to your computer and open iTunes.
  2. Select your iPhone when it appears in iTunes.
  3. In the Summary tab, click on Restore Backup.
  4. Choose the most recent backup and click on Restore.

Edit hosts file on Windows PC

Find and edit the hosts file on your Windows PC:

  1. Press the Windows key and type Notepad in the search bar.
  2. Right-click on Notepad and select Run as administrator.
  3. In Notepad, click on File > Open.
  4. Navigate to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc.
  5. Change the file type from Text Documents (.txt) to All Files (.*).
  6. Open the hosts file.
  7. Look for any lines containing apple.com or gs.apple.com. If you find any, add a # at the beginning of each line to comment them out. This will prevent the hosts file from blocking access to Apple’s software update server.
  8. Click on File > Save in Notepad to save the changes you made to the hosts file.

Perform factory reset of your iPhone

To factory reset your iPhone, follow these steps:

  1. Before resetting your iPhone, make sure to back up your data so that you can restore it later. You can back up your data using iCloud or iTunes.
  2. On your iPhone, open the Settings app.
  3. Scroll down and tap on the General option.
  4. Scroll down and tap on Transfer or Reset iPhone.
  5. This option will erase all data and settings on your iPhone, returning it to its factory state.
  6. If prompted, enter your passcode or Apple ID password to confirm the action.
  7. Tap on Erase iPhone to confirm that you want to erase your device and restore it to factory settings.
  8. The erasing process may take a few minutes. Once it’s done, your iPhone will restart, and you can set it up as a new device.

Please note that this process will erase all data and settings on your iPhone, so make sure you have a backup before proceeding. If you encounter any issues during the process, consider contacting Apple Support or visiting an Apple Store for assistance.

By following these detailed instructions, you should be able to resolve error 1671 and successfully update or restore your iOS device. If the issue persists, consider contacting Apple Support or visiting an Apple Store for further assistance.

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James Kramer
Hello, I'm James. My website Bugsfighter.com, a culmination of a decade's journey in the realms of computer troubleshooting, software testing, and development. My mission here is to offer you comprehensive, yet user-friendly guides across a spectrum of topics in this niche. Should you encounter any challenges with the software or the methodologies I endorse, please know that I am readily accessible for assistance. For any inquiries or further communication, feel free to reach out through the 'Contacts' page. Your journey towards seamless computing starts here