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What is Dharma-Amber Ransomware

Dharma-Amber Ransomware is nearly identical to previous versions of Crysis-Dharma-Cezar ransomware family, except that now it adds .amber extension to encrypted files. Dharma-Amber Ransomware constructs file extension from several parts: e-mail address, unique 8-digit identification number (randomly generated) and .amber extension. ID number is also used for victim identification, when hackers send decryption key (although they do it rarely). Final version of encoded files looks like this – .id-{8-digit-id}.[{email-address}].amber. For example, here is the example of extension, that was used on real computers of some of the victims in USA:

  • .id-{id}.[].amber

After successful encryption, malware creates 2 text files (ransom notes): FILES ENCRYPTED.TXT and Info.hta in the folders with encrypted files and on the desktop. Info.hta file contains following message:

All your files have been encrypted!
All your files have been encrypted due to a security problem with your PC. If you want to restore them, write us to the e-mail
Write this ID in the title of your message *******
In case of no answer in 24 hours write us to theese
You have to pay for decryption in Bitcoins. The price depends on how fast you write to us. After payment we will send you the decryption tool that will decrypt all your files.
Free decryption as guarantee
Before paying you can send us up to 1 file for free decryption. The total size of files must be less than 1Mb (non archived), and files should not contain valuable information. (databases,backups, large excel sheets, etc.)
How to obtain Bitcoins
The easiest way to buy bitcoins is LocalBitcoins site. You have to register, click 'Buy bitcoins', and select the seller by payment method and price.
Also you can find other places to buy Bitcoins and beginners guide here:
Do not rename encrypted files.
Do not try to decrypt your data using third party software, it may cause permanent data loss.
Decryption of your files with the help of third parties may cause increased price (they add their fee to our) or you can become a victim of a scam.

FILES ENCRYPTED.TXT is the short text file, that encourages users to contact the hackers with such message:

all your data has been locked us
You want to return?
write email

Dharma-Amber Ransomware authors demand from $500 to $15000 ransom, that can be paid in Monero, Dash or BTC (BitCoins), and in return they promise to send decryption key. This type of ransomware is coded and distributed as RaaS (Ransomware as service), and people, users are trying to contact, can be just resellers. That is why, amount of money they want for decryption can be very big. Using cryptocurrency makes it impossible to track the payee. We do not recommend to pay any money to malefactors. Usually, after some period of time security specialists from antivirus companies or individual researchers break the algorithms and release decryption keys. Mention, that some files can be restored by using backups, shadow copies, previous versions of files or file-recovery software. Follow the guide below to remove Dharma-Amber Ransomware and decrypt .amber files in Windows 10, 8, 7 effortlessly.

Dharma-Amber Ransomware

How Dharma-Amber Ransomware infected your PC

Dharma-Amber Ransomware uses spam mailing with malicious .docx attachments. Such attachments have malicious macros, that runs when user opens the file. This macros downloads executable from the remote server, that, in its turn, starts encryption process. Virus can also use Remote Desktop services to infiltrate victim’s PCs. It is important to know, that this ransomware can encrypt mapped network drives, shared virtual machine host drives, and unmapped network shares. It is necessary to control access to network shares. After encryption, the shadow copies of the files are deleted by the command: vssadmin.exe vssadmin delete shadows /all /quiet. Virus assigns certain ID with the victims, that is used to name those files and supposedly to send decryption key. In order to prevent infection with this type of threats in future we recommend you to use SpyHunter 5 or Norton Antivirus.

Download Dharma-Amber Ransomware Removal Tool

Download Removal Tool

To remove Dharma-Amber Ransomware completely we recommend you to use SpyHunter 5 from EnigmaSoft Limited. It detects and removes all files, folders and registry keys of Dharma-Amber Ransomware.

How to remove Dharma-Amber Ransomware manually

It is not recommended to remove Dharma-Amber Ransomware manually, for safer solution use Removal Tools instead.

Dharma-Amber Ransomware files:


Dharma-Amber Ransomware registry keys:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "filename.exe" = %UserProfile%\AppData\Roaming\{randomfilename}.exe
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "filename.exe" = %UserProfile%\AppData\Roaming\{randomfilename}.exe
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "mshta.exe "%UserProfile%\AppData\Roaming\Info.hta"" = mshta.exe "%UserProfile%\AppData\Roaming\Info.hta"
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "mshta.exe "C:\Windows\System32\Info.hta"" = "mshta.exe "C:\Windows\System32\Info.hta""

How to decrypt and restore .amber files

Use automated decryptors

kaspersky dharma ransomware decryptor

Use following tool from Kaspersky called Rakhni Decryptor, that can decrypt .amber files. Download it here:

Download RakhniDecryptor

There is no purpose to pay the ransom, because there is no guarantee you will receive the key, but you will put your bank credentials at risk.

If you are infected with Dharma-Amber Ransomware and removed it from your computer you can try to decrypt your files. Antivirus vendors and individuals create free decryptors for some crypto-lockers. To attempt to decrypt them manually you can do the following:

Use Stellar Phoenix Data Recovery Pro to restore .amber files

  1. Download Stellar Phoenix Data Recovery Pro.
  2. Select location to scan for lost files and click Scan button.
  3. Wait until Quick and Deep scans finish.
  4. Preview found files and restore them.

Using Windows Previous Versions option:

  1. Right-click on infected file and choose Properties.
  2. Select Previous Versions tab.
  3. Choose particular version of the file and click Copy.
  4. To restore the selected file and replace the existing one, click on the Restore button.
  5. In case there is no items in the list choose alternative method.

Using Shadow Explorer:

  1. Download Shadow Explorer program.
  2. Run it and you will see screen listing of all the drives and the dates that shadow copy was created.
  3. Select the drive and date that you want to restore from.
  4. Right-click on a folder name and select Export.
  5. In case there are no other dates in the list, choose alternative method.

If you are using Dropbox:

  1. Login to the DropBox website and go to the folder that contains encrypted files.
  2. Right-click on the encrypted file and select Previous Versions.
  3. Select the version of the file you wish to restore and click on the Restore button.

How to protect computer from viruses like Dharma-Amber Ransomware in future

1. Get special anti-ransomware software

Use ZoneAlarm Anti-Ransomware

Famous antivirus brand ZoneAlarm by Check Point released a comprehensive tool, that will help you with active anti-ransomware protection, as an additional shield to your current protection. The tool provides Zero-Day protection against ransomware and allows you to recover files. ZoneAlarm Anti-Ransomware is compatible with all other antiviruses, firewalls, and security software except ZoneAlarm Extreme (already shipped with ZoneAlarm Anti-Ransomware) or Check Point Endpoint products. The killer features of this application are: automatic file recovery, overwrite protection that instantly and automatically recovers any encrypted files, file protection that detects and blocks even unknown encryptors.

Download ZoneAlarm Anti-Ransomware

2. Back up your files

onedrive backup

Regardless of success of protection against ransomware threats, you can save your files using simple online backup. Cloud services are quite fast and cheap nowadays. There is more sense using online backup, than creating physical drives, that can get infected and encrypted when connected to PC or get damaged from dropping or hitting. Windows 10 and 8/8.1 users can find pre-installed OneDrive backup solution from Microsoft. It is actually one of the best backup services on the market, and has reasonable pricing plans. Users of earlier versions can get acquainted with it here. Make sure to backup and sync most important files and folders in OneDrive.

3. Do not open spam e-mails and protect your mailbox

mailwasher pro

Malicious attachments to spam or phishing e-mails is most popular method of ransomware distribution. Using spam filters and creating anti-spam rules is good practice. One of the world leaders in anti-spam protection is MailWasher Pro. It works with various desktop applications, and provides very high level of anti-spam protection.

Download MailWasher Pro
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Next articleHow to remove Dharma-Frend Ransomware and decrypt .frend files
James Kramer
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