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How to remove Qqjj Ransomware and decrypt .qqjj files

Qqjj Ransomware is a type of malicious software that belongs to the Djvu ransomware family, designed to encrypt files on an infected computer and demand a ransom for their decryption. Once it infiltrates a system, it appends the .qqjj extension to the names of encrypted files, transforming a file like image.jpg into image.jpg.qqjj. This ransomware employs strong encryption algorithms, making it virtually impossible to decrypt the files without the proper decryption tool, which is typically only available to the attackers. Along with the encrypted files, Qqjj Ransomware drops a ransom note named _readme.txt on the desktop and in various folders, detailing the ransom payment instructions and contact information for the cybercriminals. Victims are usually instructed to pay $980, with a discount of 50% if they contact the attackers within 72 hours, reducing the ransom to $490.

How to stop “Email Delivery Notification Portal” e-mail spam

Email Delivery Notification Portal email spam is a phishing scam that attempts to deceive recipients into believing that multiple emails were withheld due to being classified as "unknown." This fraudulent notification urges users to review these messages, redirecting them to a phishing site designed to steal their login credentials. Such spam campaigns often employ deceptive emails that appear legitimate, mimicking well-known service providers to gain the trust of potential victims. By clicking on malicious links or downloading infected attachments, users inadvertently trigger the installation of malware on their devices. These attachments can range from executable files to seemingly harmless documents that, once opened, unleash harmful software. Cybercriminals utilize these tactics to gain unauthorized access to sensitive information, leading to potential financial losses, identity theft, and severe privacy issues. To avoid falling victim to such scams, it's crucial to approach unsolicited emails with caution, verify the sender's legitimacy, and avoid clicking on suspicious links or attachments.
British Columbia Lottery e-mail spam

How to stop “British Columbia Lottery” e-mail spam

British Columbia Lottery email spam is a fraudulent email campaign where cybercriminals pose as representatives of the British Columbia Lottery, claiming recipients have won significant sums of money. The email's intent is to deceive recipients into providing personal information or making payments under the pretense of claiming a prize. Such emails often include a sense of urgency, fake winning numbers, and instructions to contact a claims agent. Spam campaigns infect computers primarily through malicious attachments or links embedded in the email. When recipients open these attachments or click on the links, malware can be installed on their systems. This malware can steal passwords, financial information, or even take control of the victim’s computer. To avoid infection, it’s crucial to be wary of unsolicited emails, especially those promising unexpected rewards or requiring personal information. Regularly updating security software and scanning for threats can also help protect against these malicious campaigns.

How to remove ShrinkLocker Ransomware and decrypt your files

ShrinkLocker Ransomware emerged on the landscape in April-May 2024 and has been a significant concern for security experts. This malicious program uses a combination of AES and RSA algorithms to encrypt user files, making them inaccessible without a decryption key. Interestingly, ShrinkLocker does not add specific file extensions to the encrypted files, which can make it more challenging to identify. Instead, it renames the system disk with an email address through BitLocker, urging victims to contact the attackers for decryption instructions. The ransom note associated with ShrinkLocker is not a conventional text file or document. Instead, the ransom note is a new sign that appears on the system disk in the form of an email address. This detail implies that the ransomware primarily targets administrators who may overlook this change without booting into a recovery environment.

How to remove Labour Ransomware and decrypt .labour files

Detected during a malware sample examination on VirusTotal, Labour Ransomware is a type of cyber malicious software that encrypts files on infected systems, effectively taking them hostage. Upon encryption, it appends the .labour extension to the original file names, transforming files like 1.jpg into 1.jpg.labour. Victims are alerted to the encryption through a ransom note created as a text file named README.txt, typically placed in prominent directories. The note demands the victim email the attacker (often to email addresses like and provide a unique ID alongside a private IP address. Additionally, it threatens the publication of sensitive files on deep web forums if the ransom isn't paid promptly. Generally, paying the ransom is not advisable as attackers frequently fail to provide legitimate decryption tools even after payment.

How to remove Wikipedia Ransomware and decrypt .wikipedia files

Wikipedia Ransomware is a type of malicious cryptovirus that targets individual and organizational data by encrypting files and demanding a ransom for decryption. It appends the .wikipedia extension to the names of the encrypted files, rendering them inaccessible without the unique decryption key. This ransomware often uses a robust combination of encryption algorithms, such as AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) and RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) to secure the files, making it extremely difficult to decode the data without the proper decryption key. Victims typically find a how_to_decrypt_files.txt file within affected directories, which serves as the ransom note. This note provides instructions on how to pay the ransom, usually in Bitcoin, and contains threats that further attempts to decrypt the files without following the cybercriminals' guidelines may result in permanent data loss.

How to fix CrowdStrike BSoD (Blue Screen of Death) error in Windows 10/11

Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) error caused by CrowdStrike software is linked to a recent update of the CrowdStrike Falcon Sensor. The error manifests as critical system failures, leading to sudden shutdowns or continuous reboot cycles (boot loops) on affected systems. Specific error messages reported include PAGE_FAULT_IN_NON_PAGED_AREA, CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED, and SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED. The BSOD error is primarily caused by a faulty file named csagent.sys associated with the CrowdStrike Falcon Sensor. This file leads to critical system failures, resulting in sudden shutdowns or continuous reboot cycles (boot loops) on affected systems. The BSOD error predominantly affects Windows operating systems, including Windows 10 and Windows 11. The issue has had a global impact, affecting numerous industries such as banking, airlines, retail, and broadcasting. Reports of affected systems have come from various regions, including the United States, European Union, Australia, New Zealand, India, and the Czech Republic.

How to remove Ursq Ransomware and decrypt .ursq files

Ursq Ransomware is a sophisticated and malicious program categorized under the ransomware-type family known as Makop. This insidious software encrypts various file types on the infected system, rendering them inaccessible until a ransom is paid. Victims will notice that their once-accessible files now bear the extension .ursq, appended to their original names. For instance, a file initially labeled as document.txt would appear as document.txt.[uniqueID].[email].ursq. Utilizing complex cryptographic algorithms, this ransomware ensures that data remains locked away unless the cybercriminals' decryption keys are obtained, making unauthorized decryption nearly impossible. Once encryption is complete, Ursq creates a ransom note named +README-WARNING+.txt on the affected device, usually placed in every directory containing encrypted files. This note provides instructions on how victims can pay the ransom to retrieve their data, further warning them against utilizing third-party recovery tools or antivirus software as such actions may corrupt the encrypted files beyond repair.