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Windows Errors

Troubleshooting tutorials on various types of system errors, application errors, caused by virus infection, registry corruption or any other type of malfunction in Windows operating systems.

How to fix Windows Update error 0x80072ee2

We know how frustrating it feels to receive unforeseen errors when trying to update your system. The effect may last long enough to piss you off and outdate your PC due to a lack of new updates. While there are many update errors making their presence known each week, today we are going to take a look at the 0x80072ee2 error code that appears after searching for updates. Luckily, the issue has been already researched and successfully solved. From most recent laboratory reports, it turned out corrupted files and values of Registry and Update folders responsible for proper update function are the most frequent reasons for its appearance. It should take no longer than 15–30 minutes for you to resolve the 0x80072ee2 error and continue installing updates without slip-ups. You can use our instructions also for 8024400A and 8024400D errors since they originate the same way.

How to fix Printer error 0x00000709 in Windows 10

In recent days, a growing number of users started facing issues with setting up their printers by default. The problem has been spotted to happen in Windows 10 with the following message - Operation could not be completed (error 0x00000709), Double check the printer name and make sure that the printer is connected to the network". After this, many get stuck and do not have any idea how to get around the issue. The most common reasons for its appearance are wrong registry values, corrupted settings, and malfunctioned or outdated drivers. Luckily, you should not be worried about any of those because we have prepared a complete guide to address the popping-up error. Make sure to follow each proposed step until the error gets resolved.

How to fix Application Error 0xc0000005 in Windows 10

Also known as Exception Processing Message, Error 0xc0000005 is an Access Violation problem that comes while trying to launch some application, install updates, and other common actions in Windows. The issue pops preventing users from running the above-mentioned duly. It says "the application was unable to start correctly" and offers to close by clicking "OK". As a result, no further interaction is present as long as the error persists. Normally, there are a couple of most popular and frequently-encountered reasons for this - malfunctioned registry values, malware infections, damaged RAM or configuration settings, and other causes as well. Usually, it is enough to try several solutions and have the issue solved eventually. We will show you all of them that you should perform step-by-step according to our instructions. Read carefully and do not miss any steps to not cause any confusion during the process.

The microphone is not working in Windows 10. How To Fix It?

Since the rise of electronic technologies, the way people percept the world has changed beyond recognition. The Internet became one of the breakthroughs in communications and regular lifestyle. Microphones themselves have been playing a significant role in building a bridge between speakers all over the world. They get constantly upgraded with new features to make your voice sound better and clearer. Now, everybody who owns a laptop or smartphone, has microphones built-in already as a staple thing. Those who gravitate towards higher quality, buy external devices and plug them in configuring settings for personal needs. Unfortunately, some users of Windows 10 experience issues with sound recording devices for unknown reasons. This can be related to various reasons like driver issues, damaged port (USB), and others. If you are one of them, we will help you seal the problem down below.

How to fix “The action cannot be completed because the file is open in...

The action cannot be completed because the file is open in another program is a message reflected in the "File in Use" window when trying to delete, rename, or move specific files and folders. The error appears because the manipulated file or folder is currently used by some application or background process. In most cases, it is enough to find and terminate the process that uses the file or simply restart your PC. However, there are situations when none of the above helps you get rid of the problem. The issue may keep reiterating itself even after rebooting the system. Unfortunately, the featured message offers no real solution on how to avoid this problem. Intuitively, users should stop the related process and try to delete or move their files afterward. Sometimes there are simply no related processes visible, which means users are unable to shave them. Luckily, there are potential prospects to address this issue and restore full control of the file. Follow this bundle of methods below that will help you remove the issue potentially.

How to solve problem Windows 10 not detecting graphics card

The Graphics card plays a very important role - that is analyzing and displaying the picture to your monitor. Sometimes, there are troubles when Windows cannot identify whether a graphics card is installed on your motherboard. In other words, users cannot use it to run video games and other tasks during the process. Usually, computers are equipped with integrated cards alongside the processor to run simple tasks. Discrete ones get often enabled to increase maximum performance during gaming and editing experience. If one of them goes off, the system will switch up to another. This can slacken your PC and limit its capabilities to pull off the needed tasks. Luckily, experts have found and tested some methods that contributed to solving this issue thus far. See the step-by-step guide to revive your graphics card down below.

How to fix Windows Update error 0x80070005

Sometimes users may have restricted permissions that prevent Windows from updating correctly. For this exact reason, access can be denied resulting in errors like 0x80070005. In most cases, the update will reach 100% but refuse to restart your PC to finish the installation. The same problem with permissions can happen when trying to install a program. Luckily, there are ways that can help you resolve this issue and succeed in getting the necessary updates. Scroll down to our list of solutions and perform all steps below.

How to fix Ethernet “Unidentified Network” problem in Windows 10

Ethernet connection established through cable is usually considered to be way better than Wi-fi. It helps users achieve higher speed and better stability to run online activities. Unfortunately, some users experience an error stating that Ethernet Network cannot be identified. This problem becomes a real hiccup preventing people from using the Internet. Sometimes the issue is solved after running basic steps like rebooting a router or reconnecting the cable. However, there are also some broader reasons causing the error. This is what our guide will be all about.