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Windows Errors

Troubleshooting tutorials on various types of system errors, application errors, caused by virus infection, registry corruption or any other type of malfunction in Windows operating systems.

How to fix Windows 10 error 0xc00000e9

The 0xc00000e9 code is a BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) error frequently-seen on Windows 10. The issue results in an unexpected shutdown with a recovery screen displaying: "There was a problem with a device connected to your PC. An unexpected I/O error has occurred. Error code: 0xc00000e9". The window also says the possible reason for the error appearance lies in the wrong connection of external devices. This is the truth, especially when it was abruptly removed from the input port. Whenever Windows 10 suspects a risk of damage, it shuts down your PC to prevent unhealthy conditions. However, if you keep running into the same problem multiple times, this may cause future damage to your devices. If you are sure there are no accidental manipulations done from your side, more likely there are some independent problems like wrong configuration, hard drive problems, lack of drivers, an unstable connection of plugged devices, missing or corrupted files. Below, we have gathered a list of the most popular and effective solutions to stop the 0xc00000e9 error.

How to fix Windows 10 Update error 0x80080008

The 0x80080008 error code is related to windows updates. A number of people reported the problem appears after trying to check for updates. Some users managed to find a temporary solution using Windows Troubleshooter, however, the problem continued to press the line after a simple reboot stating the "Service registration is missing or corrupt" message. As a result of error inspection, experts found the reason behind 0x80080008 appearance is in Wups2.dll (the file included in the latest version of Windows Update) that was incorrectly installed. Apart from the prime reason we mentioned, there are grounds to believe that 0x80080008 may be related to the scarcity of files, wrong service configuration, and so forth. Below, we will show how to get rid of this annoying problem and continue receiving Windows Updates as usual.

How to fix Windows Update error 0x800704c7 in Windows 10

Error 0x800704c7 is a bottleneck emerging on Windows 10. It prevents users from installing the latest updates that come to the system. Whilst the issue may feel irritating and hard to solve, it is usually related to the presence of corrupted or missing files. Such a phenomenon happens when users download third-party software or manipulate settings on their own. Users encountering 0x800704c7 can see the message in Windows Update Center stating the code of the issue. Sometimes failed updates may result in BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) that shuts down and reboots your PC. Even if you do not know what could potentially cause the problem, we will help you figure it out in the article below. A list of step-by-step instructions will help you liberate from the reoccurring problem and install the necessary update eventually.

How to fix Windows Update error 0x80070490 in Windows 10

Error 0x80070490 is a problem stating a failure when trying to update your system. Being unable to keep your PC up-to-date due to such issues turns out to be quite spread around Windows users. Usually, these errors occur as a result of conflicts created by third-party software, lack of important elements, malware, and other things wrecking configuration settings. To solve this, we recommend you to follow the step-by-step guide presented below. A number of tested and efficient methods will help you say goodbye to this problem eventually.

How to fix DISM error 87 on Windows 10

DISM (Deployment Image Servicing and Management) is a tool created by Microsoft to solve system-related issues. Its application is constantly present in different guidelines helping to solve Windows errors. Unfortunately, some users experience trouble using DISM on their systems. When trying to launch it, the DISM error 87 appears and prevents people from booting the scan. Although DISM exists on older versions of Windows as well, the phenomenon is usually seen on Windows 10. As long as users tend to make mistakes in the spelling of commands, rectifying the issue is usually simple. Of course, there are other reasons prompting the issue such as lack of updates, corrupted files, malware presence, and so forth. Thus, make sure you try each method in the instructions below until it resolves the error.

How to fix Xbox Game Bar error 0x803F8001 in Windows 10

Xbox Game Bar is a great utility allowing users to monitor resources of GPU, CPU, RAM, and many other features like sound change. Fast access to main functions and keeping track of your PC is always a good thing to have, especially with Xbox Game Bar being officially free in Microsoft Store. It is indeed a very useful program alleviating gaming and overall usage. Unfortunately, the community has raised a discussion concerning the 0x803F8001 error, which prevents users from managing the app correctly. The issue is usually followed by a message saying "Xbox Game Bar is currently not available in your account. Make sure you are signed in to the Store and try again. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F8001". The problem started occurring after a server-side change made on November 5. It is also known that this problem covers users with Windows 10 version 1809 or fresher. For now, the main solution is up to the Microsoft team, however, as they have not dealt with this error just yet, we will suggest a couple of steps capable of solving the issue, at least temporarily.

How to fix Safari cant establish a secure connection error

The Safari can't open the page. Safari can't open the page "website" because Safari can't establish a secure connection to the server "website" issue was found quite recently and suggests that Mac prevents you from entering certain websites. Initially, this feature is part of the Mac security system that averts visits to malicious pages. However, in recent versions, this pop-up can be considered a bug since it can appear even when trying to open the world's safest and most trusted platforms like Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, and others. Usually, the error happens due to connection problems that could appear after planned system updates. Luckily, this issue is easily solvable, we will just have to do some manipulations below that will free yourself from this annoying message.

How to fix Runtime errors in Windows 10

Runtime error is a common windows issue that has been pestering most of the users. When trying to launch a program, the issue is accompanied by a “Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library” window with a message like "This application has requested Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way" that restricts users from further engagement. It is usually caused by Visual C++ malfunction that can be arisen due to many reasons. Since Visual C++ is an indispensable part of graphics, the problem may be intimately correlated with video card drivers. Therefore, the error typically appears whilst the system fails to establish correctly with video card drivers or because Visual C++ is corrupted and has to be restored. Malware intervention, corrupted files, or outdated software can also lead to Runtime errors. However, you do not have to spend your time searching for solutions because we have gathered them right in the article below.